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Global Business School and Research Centre
Tathawade, Pune 411033.
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on four point scale at ‘A++’ Grade

Representative Intern Details

Operations & Supply Chain Management

Dadabhai-Dev-Bhadane Name Dadabhai Dev Bhadane
Graduation BE Mechanical
Summer Internship Tata steel ltd ,Jamshedpur
Title of Project Idle freight reduction in road dispatches by using linear optimization
Work Experience 2 Months
Karthi-Ramasamy Name Karthi Ramasamy
Graduation B.E(MECH)
Summer Internship Cigma solution process
Title of Project study of logistics with the help of order processing
Work Experience 2 Months
asikumar-Karunanithi Name Sasikumar Karunanithi
Graduation BE (EEE)
Summer Internship KalyaniMaxion wheels limited
Title of Project An Analysis to study the management and forwarding of Inventory in Warehouse And Export Procedure
Work Experience 2 Months
Rajesh-Kumar Name Rajesh Kumar
Graduation B.Sc
Summer Internship Tata Steel
Title of Project Supply Chain Management At Thin Slab Casting And Rolling Mills
Work Experience 2 Months