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Global Business School and Research Centre
Tathawade, Pune 411033.
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on four point scale at ‘A++’ Grade

Funded Research Project

Sr. No. Financial Year Name of the Principal Investigator (PI) Project Title Duration Amount Status
1 2019-20 1 PI-Dr. Babasaheb Jadhav A Comparative Study and analysis of CSR activities of selected Nationalized and private Banks in Pune City 2 Years 1,50,000/- completed
2 PI-Dr. Priyanka Bobade Study of penetration of Mutual Funds amongst individual investors in Pune district - 2,00,000/- completed
3 PI-Dr. Snehal Maheshkar A study of impact of knowledge management and creativity on performance improvement of Business Schools 2 Years 1,80,000/- In process
2 2020-21 1

PI-Dr. Chetan Chaudhari

Study of Impact of the Covid-19 outbreak on digital payment in India 1 Year 1,10,000/- In process


PI-Dr. Shailendrakumar Kale Study of effect of Covid-19 pandemic on third party logistics service providers in Pune 1 Year 65,000/- completed
3 PI-Dr. Shripad Joshi CI- Prof. Dhanashri Havale Analytical study of consumer buying behavior in Covid-19 pandemic situations in Pune city 1 Year 65,000/- In process
3 2021-22 2 PI: Dr Deepali Garge CI : Mrs. Deepali S Desai (DYPMC) Study of Health Equity and Gini Index in South Asian Countries in the Pandemic Situation 1Yr 6 Mnt 60,000/- In process
3 PI-Dr. Naim Rafikoddin Shaikh Blended Learning using Moodle (LMS) as a tool for a flipped classroom for management programmes 1 Years 85,000/- completed
4 2022-23   PI-Dr. Debjani Guha Implications of applying artificial intelligence for talent acquisition 2 Years 35,000/- In process