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Global Business School and Research Centre
Tathawade, Pune 411033.
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on four point scale at ‘A++’ Grade

Empirical Study on Role of Smart Marketing

Paper Presentation on the topic - “Empirical study on the role of smart marketing Indian fast-food chain”

Paper Presentation on the topic - Empirical study on the role of smart marketing Indian fast-food chain
Paper Presentation on the topic - Empirical study on the role of smart marketing Indian fast-food chain
Paper Presentation on the topic - Empirical study on the role of smart marketing Indian fast-food chain

Faculty members of Dr. D.Y.Patil Vidpayeeth`s Global Business School & Research Centre, Tathawade, Pune Dr. Vidya Nakhate- Professor and Dr. Priyanka Bobade- Assistant Professor were invited to present their paper titled “Empirical study on role of smart marketing Indian fast food chain” in Summer Marketing International Conference -2019 organized by IIM Indore on the theme of “Smart Marketing in the Digital Age” from July 26th to 28, 2019 which will be published with “Emerald group of publishing house”. The theme of 2019 IIM Indore NASMEI Marketing International Conference is to focus on identifying the ways of enriching the customer values through unique product offerings supported by emerging technology. More than 400 research papers all over India were presented in the conference which were selected by the peer review committee.

About the Conference : More than even before, success of Marketing largely depends upon its ability to facilitate and sustain meaningful engaging experiences for consumers. Significant advances in technology and communications, facilitated by digital and social media. In recent years have greatly contributed to making experience delivery to consumers easier.